Features Of A Window


A window is rectangular area in which you view programs, files, folders and drives on a graphical user interface.

It is a rectangular box on the desktop that displays features different from that of the desktop.

Windows Management is the process by which computer users control the placement and appearance of Windows using the graphical user interface.

Windows Explorer

The windows Explorer is used to view the contents of the computer in the hierarchy of files and folders.

Features Of Windows Explorer

1. Title bar     2. Tabs     3. Control box

4. Toolbar      5. Minimize  6. Maximize

7. Close button  8.  Navigation Pane

9. Windows border    10. Status bar

Title bar displays the name of the window and contains the control box, minimize, maximize, restore and the close button.

Tabs contain menus with related commands and options that help you control the window and it's contents.

Control box contains the resizing buttons ( minimize, maximize, restore and close button )

It is used to size or move a window.

Toolbar displays graphic tool buttons that represent short-cuts to various menu commands.

Minimize reduces the window to a shortcut on the taskbar.

Maximize enlarges the window to full screen.

Restore sends the window to its normal side before maximizing.

Close button closes the window. It exists a program if it is running in the window that is closed.

Navigation Pane represent directories. It shows folders and sub folders that are used to browse through files on the computer.

Windows border is a frame or boundary around a window that you can use to resize the window.

Status bar describe the contents of the window, such as free space, number of objects or files in a window and so on.


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