Thirty Acronyms In Information And Technology

Abbreviations and their full meaning

1. PC >    Personal Computer

2. CPU > Central Processing Unit

3. CRT > Cathode Ray Tube

4. LCD > Liquid Crystal Display

5. USB > Universal Serial Bus

6. UPS > Uninterruptible Power Supply

7. PSU> Power Supply Unit

8. CD > Compact Disc

9. DVD > Digital Versatile Disc

10. HDD > Hard Disk Drive

11. Ms.   > Microsoft

12. ISPs  > Internet Service Providers

13. SMS > Short Messaging Service

14. MMS > Multimedia Messaging Service

15. WWW > World Wide Web

16. IP  > Internet Protocol

17. HTTP > Hypertext Transfer Protocol

18. ATM > Automated Teller Machine

19. LAN > Local Area Network

20. WAN > Wide Area Network

21. MAN > Metropolitan Area Network

22. PAN > Personal Area  Network

23. Wi Fi > Wireless Fidelity

24. Email > Electronic Mail

25. ROM  > Read Only Memory

26. RAN > Random Access Memory

27. WYSIWYG > What You See Is What You Get

28. PDF > Portable Document Format

29. OS   > Operating System

30. AI   > Artificial Intelligent




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